GRAND CANYON RIM2RIM FEEDBACK FORM Name Feel free to leave this blank if you wish to submit anonymous feedback First Name Last Name Overall, how satisfied were you with the event? * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied What factors impacted your satisfaction level with the event? * How prepared did you feel leading up to the event? What information, if any, would you have liked to have had in advance of the event that you did not? * Did you feel like our training plan / guidance was useful for you? What would you suggest we add / remove / change? * Overall, I feel the price of the event was... * Exceptional Value for my money Priced fairly Slightly overpriced To expensive With regard to the accommodations, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied With regard to the transportation, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied With regard to the meals, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied What specifically would you suggest we keep the same for our event next year? * What specifically would you suggest we change for our event next year? * Do you plan to return for another run across the Grand Canyon with us? * Yes Maybe Not at this time Is there anything you would like to share about our volunteers? Any other comments or suggestions? On a different note, would you be interested in taking part in a new event in the future open exclusively to previous Rim2Rim participants? * Yes Maybe Not at this time After clicking submit, your 2025 discount code will appear. Please make a note of the discount code before closing the page. Thank you for your help in making our flagship event even better! We appreciate you being a part of community, striving to make a difference to Alzheimer’s and ALS. We would love to have you back next year… we will incorporate your feedback to make next year an even better experience for everyone involved. USE THE DISCOUNT CODE: GRANDCANYON2025! TO RECEIVE $200 OFF YOUR 2025 REGISTRATION.SIGN UP NOW