Overall, how satisfied were you with the event? * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied What most impacted your satisfaction level with the event? * What information, if any, would you have liked to have had in advance of the event that you did not? * Overall, I feel the price of the event was... * Well worth the money Somewhat worth the money Not quite worth the money Not at all worth the money With regard to the food, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied With regard to the venue, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied With regard to the casino tables and dealers, I was... * Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not so Satisfied Not at all Satisfied What specifically would you suggest we keep the same for Casino Night 2024? * What specifically would you suggest we change for Casino Night 2024? * Do you plan to return for Casino Night 2024? * Yes! Maybe... Not at this time Is there anything else you would like to share with us about the event? Thank you for your help in making Rim2Rim 2019 even better!